Senin, 08 April 2013

Tugas 4: The Reality of Decision-Making

Nama  :  Nuri Eka Wahyumiati
Kelas  :  1EA17
NPM   :  15212498
Softskill Bahasa Inggris 2

Decision (decision) is made ​​up of several options available alternative. Decision making (decision making) is the process of identifying problems and opportunities and then solve it. Good decision-making is a vital part of maanjemen good, because the decisions that determine how an organization how to solve problems, allocate resources and achieve goals. Thus, each manager must sharpen their skills in making decisions.
Growth, prosperity or failure of a company or is the result of decisions made by managers. Making a decision is not easy. Decisions must be done amid ever-changing variety of factors, uncertainty and a variety of information and conflicting views.

Decision Making Based on Intuition
            Decisions made by intuition or feeling more subjective nature that is susceptible to suggestion, outside influences, and other psychological factors. The subjective nature of intuitive decisions on this are several advantages, namely:
1.      Decision-making by one party so easy to decide.
2.      More intuitive decisions appropriate to the problems that are humanitarian.
            Decision-making based on intuition takes a short time to the issues that impact is limited, in general, intuitive decision making will give satisfaction. However, this decision is difficult to measure because of difficulty finding the truth for comparison with other words this result is only intuitive decision taken by one party that the other things that are often overlooked.

Rational Decision Making
            Rational decisions related to usability. Problems - problems which faced a problem that needs solving rational. Decisions are made based on rational considerations are more objective. In society, a rational decision can be measured when the optimal satisfaction of the community can be accomplished within the limits of recognized value in society at that time.

Decision Making Based on Facts
            Some argue that the decision should be supported by a sufficient number of facts. Actually, the fact needs to be associated with the term the term of data and information. Set of facts that have been grouped systematically named data. While information is the result of processing the data. Thus, despite the data must first be processed into information which is then used as a basis for decision making.
            Decisions are based on a number of facts, data or sufficient information was indeed a good and solid decision, but to get enough information was very difficult.

Decision Making Based on Experience
            It often happens that before taking a decision, the leadership to remember whether a case like this ever happened before. Such reminders are usually traced through archival documentation in the form decision past experiences. If it turns out the problem had happened before, then head live to see if the same problem or not with the current circumstances. If still equal then can apply the previous way to solve problems that arise.
            In such cases, the experience can indeed be used as guidelines in solving the problem. Decisions are based on experience is very useful for practical knowledge. Experience and the ability to estimate what the background of the problem and how the direction of the solution is very helpful in facilitating problem solving.
Based Decision Making Authority
            Lots of decisions taken as authority (authority) owned. Every person who is the head of the organization has the duty and authority to make decisions in order to carry out activities to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently.
            Decisions by the authority has several advantages. The benefits include: more acceptance by subordinates, has authenticity (authentic), and also because it is based on formal authority would be more permanent in nature.
Decisions based on authority alone, it will cause the routine nature and associate with dictatorial practices. Sometimes by a decision by the authority of decision-makers pass Often the problems that should be solved Became blurred or unclear.

Factors to consider in Decision Making
Factors to consider in the decision-making according to Terry, namely:
a)      The things that are not tangible and intangible, emotional and rational needs to be taken into account in decision making.
b)      Each decision must be made of materials to achieve organizational goals.
c)      Any decision not oriented to private interests, but should be more concerned with the interests of the organization.
d)      Rarely does a satisfactory choice, therefore, make alternative-counter alternative.
e)      Decision-making is a mental act of this action must be converted into physical action.
f)       Effective Decision-making takes a long time.
g)      Required practical decision to get better results.
h)      Any decision should be instituted in order to know the decision was correct.
i)        Every decision is an act of a series of events beginning next chain.

Determine                    = tentukan
Failure                         = kegagalan
Uncertainty                  = ketidakpastian
Conflicting                   = bertentangan
Susceptible                  = rentan
Intuitive                      = intuitif
Appropriate                 = sesuai
Solving                        = pemecahan
Sufficient                    = cukup
Reminders                   = pengingat
Experiences                 = pengalaman
Circumstances              = keadaan
Facilitating                  = memfasilitasi
Subordinates                = bawahan
Tangible                      = berwujud
Interests                      = minat
Required                     = diperlukan
Chain                          = rantai

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