Senin, 08 April 2013

Tugas 3: Steps in the Decisions Process

Nama  :  Nuri Eka Wahyumiati
Kelas  :  1EA17
NPM   :  15212498
Softskill Bahasa Inggris 2


There are two views in the achievement of the organization's process of reaching a decision (Brinckloe, 1977), namely:
1.      Optimization. Here, an executive who tried to make the full confidence of alternatives, taking into account the costs and benefits of each alternative against organizational goals. After that estimates the likelihood of a variety of events in the future, consider the impact of the events of the alternatives that have been formulated and then arrange the sequence is systematically in accordance with the priorities and then made the decision. Decisions made are considered optimal because it at least has considered all factors relating to the decision.
2.       Satisficing. An executive take quite a settlement stemming satisfying than pursuing the best settlement. Satisficing models developed by Simon (Simon, 1982; roach, 1979) due to the recognition of the limited rationality (bounded rationality). Limited rationality are the boundaries of thought that forcing people to limit their views on issues and situations. Thought it was limited because the human mind does not megolakan and has the ability to separate the pile of information.

According to Frank Harison (Hitt, 1970), the factors that led to the emergence of rationality is limited, among others, information that comes from outside is often very competitive or the information is not perfect, the constraints of time and cost, as well as the limitations of a rational decision-making to understand and comprehend the problem and information, especially information and technology.

Step-by-step decision-making
1.      In recognition of the requirements of decisions
The manager's decision to face the requirements in the form of problems and opportunities. A problem occurs when the organizational achievement of less than the target set.
Awareness of the problem / opportunity is the first step in making decisions and requires observation of internal and external environment for issues that require the attention of the executive.
2.      Diagnosis and cause analysis
When the problems and opportunities have attracted the attention of managers, understanding the situation should be clarified. Diagnosis is one step in the decision process.
3.      Development alternatif
At the time of the problem or opportunity has to be identified and analyzed, decision makers start to consider the necessary action. The next step is to generate alternative solutions that may be able to respond to the needs of the situation and correct the underlying causes.
4.      Selection of the expected alternative
When several alternatives have been developed, have been one of them. The decision is a choice selection of the most promising of several alternative actions. The best alternative to provide the best solution according to the overall goals and values ​​of the organization and can achieve the desired results with minimum resource usage.
5.      Implementation of the selected alternative
Included in the implementation phase is the use of managerial skills, administrative, and persuasive to convince the selected alternative can be done.

Decision-making style (style of decision making)
1.      Directive style
Used by people who like clear and simple solution to the problem.
2.      Analytical management style
Rather like considering complex solutions as much as possible based on the data they collect.
3.      People who tend to have a conceptual style
Also like to consider a large amount of information. However, they have more social orientation than those who have the analytical style and likes to talk with others about the problem and possible alternatives for solving the problem.
4.      Behavioral style
Often applied by the manager who has a strong interest in other people as individuals.


Reaching                         = menjangkau
Confidence                     = keyakinan
Against                     = terhadap
accordance               = sesuai
estimates                 = perkiraan
constraints                = kendala
comprehend             = memahami
opportunities            = peluang
clarified                   = diklarifikasi
analyzed                   = dianalisi
underlying                 = mendasari
provide                    = menyediakan
overall                     = keseluruhan
Included                   = termasuk
Possible                    = kemungkinan
Conceptual                = konseptual
Amount                     = jumlah
Behavioral                = perilaku


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